INSPIRATION OF THE WEEK... Handbag designer KATY SPADE with her love of fashion and was always looking for the perfect HANDBAG. She found most of the bags lack color and style.
So in 1993 she got to work and created her own handbag.She launched "KATY SPADE" the must have handbag. I'm sure at one time we all own a K.B bag. When I first started designing HANDBAG I put her picture on my wall for inspiration if KATY can do it so can I.
Sold in 2006 ...The name still live on with the name KATY SPADE not only in HANDBAGS but a Clothing line, Home and Jewelry.
Job well done Katy, job well done!
So in 1993 she got to work and created her own handbag.She launched "KATY SPADE" the must have handbag. I'm sure at one time we all own a K.B bag. When I first started designing HANDBAG I put her picture on my wall for inspiration if KATY can do it so can I.
Sold in 2006 ...The name still live on with the name KATY SPADE not only in HANDBAGS but a Clothing line, Home and Jewelry.
Job well done Katy, job well done!
What a great way to start the week with my girl KATY SPADE HANDBAG DESIGNER!!! I have to put that picture back up on my wall,right now its in my book of inspiration